Sunday, January 13, 2008





这一发现对人们的常识提出了挑战,人们一般认为,把经历过的写下来,有助于宣泄不 良情绪以及抚平创伤。“我们曾期望坚持写日记的人比不写日记的人表现得更好,或至少持平,但他们变得更糟了。”研究者之一,英国格拉斯哥喀里多尼安大学的 伊莱恩·邓肯说,“事实上,如果你什么都不写可能要好得多。”




研究人员要求写日记的志愿者说明他们多长时间记一次日记以及保持这个习惯有多长时 间了。他们也被问及是否曾经记述过创伤经历。结果经常写日记的人健康方面的评分比不写日记的人更糟,而且从统计学上来说这一点表现得很显著。受影响最严重 的恰恰是那些曾经记录过创伤经历的写日记的人。“他们对头痛或者其他类似症状是最敏感的”,邓肯说。

尽管没什么证据,邓肯认为用写日记作为宣泄情绪的方式似乎并不合理。写日记的 人要经常咀嚼他们的不幸,而不是将情绪一次性宣泄并从创伤中解脱出来。写日记的人总是忘不掉那些不幸的事。但是邓肯也承认试验并没有显示出是写日记在前, 还是发生健康问题在前,也就是说可能有相关性,但因果关系并不明了。在即将进行的实验中,邓肯会让志愿者在日记中记下明确的正面和负面不好的经历,看看健 康问题究竟是在什么时候出现。



Dear diary, you make me sick

Keeping a diary is bad for your health, say UK psychologists. They found that regular diarists were more likely than non-diarists to suffer from headaches, sleeplessness, digestive problems and social awkwardness.

Their finding challenges assumptions that people find it easier to get over a traumatic event if they write about it.

“We expected diary keepers to have some benefit, or be the same, but they were the worst off,” says Elaine Duncan of the Glasgow Caledonian University. “In fact, you’re probably much better off if you don’t write anything at all,” she adds.

The study, carried out with David Sheffield of Staffordshire University, was presented on Wednesday at a meeting of the British Psychological Society in Edinburgh.

Cathartic process

The pair studied 94 regular diarists and compared their health with that of 41 non-diarists. The subjects, all students at Staffordshire University, answered questions about their diary-keeping habits, and filled in a standard health questionnaire.

“We decided to test the idea that writing is cathartic,” says Duncan. She claims that her study is the first to investigate subjects who write of their own free will. In most other studies, volunteers are actually asked to write about traumatic experiences in a systematic way.

The researchers asked the diarists recruited to say how often they made entries and for how long they had kept diaries. They were also asked if they had written about anything traumatic.

Statistically, the diarists scored much worse on health measures than the non-diarists. And worst affected of all were those who had written about trauma. “They were most susceptible to headaches and the like,” says Duncan.

Ruminative cycle

Although she does not have proof, Duncan speculates that diarists buck the usual trend because instead of a single, cathartic outpouring to offload trauma, diarists continually churn over their misfortunes and so never get over them. “It’s probably better not to get caught in a ruminative, repetitive cycle,” she says.

But she acknowledges that her experiment could not demonstrate which came first - the diary writing or the health problems.

In a forthcoming experiment, she hopes to explore this by asking volunteers new to diary writing to report exclusively positive or negative things, to see if the health of the two groups diverges.






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