Thursday, June 28, 2007

The reading speed is the key issue!

I did not pass the CLEP exam, English Composition (without essay) today. This indicates that I need more intensive practice in order to enhance the familiarity of English and the skillfulness of English thinking.


Well, I need a plan that sets  daily reading assignments in order to speed up the reading.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Had AAA auto service yesterday

It was the first time to use the AAA auto service. The reason is simple: my battery was out. Why? I forgot to turn off the lights. Therefore, the light was on from morning to evening. I think no battery can keep working for such a long time even if it is for lights only.


The response was not slow. I called the customer service, and left my contact information. Since I am close to home, I told them that I could go back home and wait for their call before they come to my place. During that time, I took shower, and took a little break.


The AAA man came in a pickup. I was surprised that the man gave me a bottle of water. I thought that he just want me to keep it for him in the first place. However, he said that it is mine at last. Wow, I was really touched by that. The service deserves the money I paid. Good, I will keep purchasing the service.


Helped the coffee shop to close today.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New words from Cafeteria

Entree. That simply means the main course.

Why Americans say Entrée when everyone else says Main.








French fries. 我看就是炸薯条,只不过叫个这名字罢了。


Tortilla, 玉米饼。

Sunday, June 24, 2007



Saturday, June 23, 2007


          晚上到Farmer's Market买了很多东西,面食类的东西买了好几样呢。结果我今晚就在试吃这些东西,毕竟,我太想念面食了。





Wednesday, June 20, 2007





Tuesday, June 19, 2007


I got a new word in spelling. Bucks, means dollar. If you say $20, it is 20 bucks. If $20.50, it is 20  bucks and 50 cents.

Why the direct selling man choose me?

This is an useful lesson for me since the first day I came to America. I was thinking about why that the direct selling man choose me as his potential "customer" (or prey?) from the day my uncle told me about the Direct Selling.

Here are some points I analyzed.

1. I have been in the US for a short period, and this makes me surely not familiar with the businesses in America. Therefore, the man has the chance of cheating me. Indeed, he is intentially to make this decision. For example, he asked that how many year have I been in America, and how many year I have been educated, etc. Everything indicates that he wanted to know the possibility of having me as his branch.

2. Keep his information secure, this can also raise the interest of the potential "customer". In fact, he knew that he might lose the potential of getting a new branch if he tells me the fact of this kind of business. That's why he said "you should go and listen". Look, such a funny way of communicating.

From now on, I got that point, and I will not take part in it since I know the fact of it. What is useful to me is, be smart and recognize the truth of this kind of business and stay secure from it.

Windows Live Writer还是可以的

        这应该是Windows Live Writer的第二个测试版了,相比第一个版本要好一些。我本是想用ScribeFire的,但是那个好像是只为英文用户设计的(或许是我理解错误?),一用空格老是出来:nsbp什么的,很难看,所以,我才改试微软的这个。再得,我还是看了一些评论的,评论说这个版本的Writer有改进,我就专门来试了。你别说,我还真试出来一回事。用极点中文时(其他的中文输入法我从来不用,所以没法下结论),每次必须先输入标题,这才能在正文区域打字。如果没打标题就直接到正文区去激活极点中文,那是不行滴。我最初还以为是设置没改好,毕竟是测试版嘛,有些小错误是在所难免的。但是,试了几次后我就发现并不是bug的原因,输入文字位置的先后的确是导致这个现象的重要原因(我是这样想的)。得了,这也不是多大个事,先写标题就先写标题呗,反正每篇文章都是要一个标题的。

      再者,从Windows Live Writer上发出去的文章ScribeFire也能以历史文章的形式抓取过来。这是个好事。


PS: 刚才还试出了一个现象。在编辑过程中切换显示模式也会影响输入法,就会出现上面提到的问题。得,在标题栏激活一下就成了。等正式版发布的时候应该能修复这个问题吧。




        今天晚上预订了GMAT,是8月10号。本来都想好了要11号考,也选了11号,但是付款时始终页面进行不下去。我以为是浏览器的问题,准备换个浏览器再试。但是,刷新后发现11号那天已经显示为“no appointment available”。见鬼,看样子有人手比我快,我只是在信息检查时稍慢了一点,就让人把那个位置给占去了。11号那天是周六,应该比较轻松,10号是周五,上班的人也多,路上可能担搁些时间。不过,总体来说还是没什么问题的,哪天考不是考,几点考不是考,没什么大不了的。10号有早上9点的,也有早上10点45分的,我选了后一个,毕竟,能迟去一会就迟去一会,大清早地起太早实在是累人啊。





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Monday, June 18, 2007

Computer Lab里装了新打印机


Saturday, June 16, 2007




选择Maxthon Options
选择Plug in
选择IE Plugin

一定要选择启用IE插件选择启用Google Tool Bar

Google Tool Bar 就可以用了。

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Friday, June 15, 2007




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The article that talks about the essence of the US


This article is great, I think.

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

Changed blog template

In fact, I like the WordPress template.

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"Compare to" and "Compare with"

When emphasizing the difference, "compare with" is accurate. When emphasizing the similarity, "compare to" is accurate.

In fact, "compare to" focuses on thinking something as something.

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Monday, June 11, 2007

A mistake in the Student Time Report

This is a stupid mistake because of carelessness. The campus was completely closed on the Memorial Day, so does the Computer Lab, therefore, I do not have the work schedule on that day. However, I forgot this issue and put the hours on Memorial Day when I was submitting the Student Time Report last week. The only thing that is good is I realized this point this morning and I have the chance to correct the error.

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Format for AWA

The format for the AWA is the same as the regular essays, so, I decide to use the newspaper format, which generates a single blank line between paragraphs and leave no space in the beginning of every paragraph.

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Sunday, June 10, 2007

Tried Twitter today

I got the first Twitter account and tried to post words (look, it is not articles, it is words) via Twitter. It is indeed fast. I think it is similar to a kind of micro-blog that you can post from minute to minute. In fact, if you post your blog from minute to minute, it is the same as Twitter. The difference is, the Twitter has the advantage of tacking-back.

Saturday, June 09, 2007



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Thursday, June 07, 2007





Saturday, June 02, 2007

Finally, got the correct way to pay the credit card bill

Bank of America Logo

I do not know how the credit card bills are paid. I just know that I can use a credit card to buy things. Does that sound strange?

Today, I asked one of my roommates, and she told me that I can pay the amount due either by check or by cash. If I pay by check, just write a check and mail it in the envelope provided by the bill statement. That is the business reply mail, so, I do not have to use stamp on it. If I pay by cash. Well, that is the most simple one. Just go to there bank center (or office) and pay the amount by cash. It is indeed similar to the cell phone fee payment in China. I think most of Chinese cell phone users (even fixed line phone uses) pay their bills in this way. Some choose to make deposits prior to the billing period, some choose to pay as the bill is generated. Anyway, this is the most simple way to pay the credit card bill.

It is really interesting to have a credit card.

In addition, the process of choosing a credit card is also interesting. I was surprised when I see the APR that I chose in the first time, because the purchasing APR is 19.24%, which is apparently high comparing to other credit cards. I asked my uncle about this issue. He replied that I do not need to have more than one credit card, because that is unnecessary since my purchases are focused on grocery purpose, and the stores I visit are mostly supermarkets. Therefore, keeping Bank of America credit card is ok.

One more thing. The APR just applies on unpaid amount, which is mentioned as "balance". If one always pays full amount, there will be no "balance", and therefore, the APR does not apply to this guy.

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