Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Got my first credit card in America

This is the Bank of America Platinum Plus card. Since Bank of America is the biggest bank in America, I am glad to use the service provided by the most powerful bank. The only disadvantage is the purchasing APR is almost 20%, and it is a little bit too high, and it is beyond my expectation. Perhaps I need another card that has a lower APR. If the APR is too high, it will be inefficient to use such an expensive card.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The car runs great after repair

It seems like I do not have to worry about the car anymore because I have fixed the major problims and it indeed runs great. The first major problem is the brake system, the second one is the CV Axel. I did the brake change last week and the CV Axel work today. Although it costs so much, I still think it deserves the expense because it will bring me the convenience and comfortableness in the following years which I will drive this car until I can buy a  new one.

Once again, I have  to say that it is indeed expensive to me. I worked so long and pay the money I earned directly to the auto service companies......

Tuesday, May 22, 2007



        今天在Java City上班时,Brian也在,不过,他上的是Cafeteria。这期间,遇到了我以前在图书馆踫到的那个广东女孩(女人?我不知道。可以肯定的是她不好看,脸上都是坑,下牙还包着上牙)。她在Cafeteria的另一个角上看书,这Brian就和我在Java City旁边的桌子上聊天。他一直在了解人家的信息。先是问我她是不是中国人,后来又问多大了,在哪个学院上学等等,很多的问题我也答不上来。这兄弟一直在打算下次开泡呢,所以问我这女孩是不是每天都来,我说是,反正我是经常能见到。Brian就说他准备周四或是周五来见她,因为他的工作日程安排到这两天了。等他走了后,我就跑过去开心了,反正我是早就认识她。我跟那女孩(?)一说,她很是吃惊,可能是她的生命历程中一直没有人追她(因为太丑),现在突然有人来追还不适应吧。


Monday, May 21, 2007

Called Bank of America for credit card today

I really want a credit card, therefore, I checked many cards online, and I applied the Bank of America Student Platinum Card in March. However, there is no response since they did not get my utility bill which indicates my current address. I applied for the Citi Bank credit card in the morning, and called the card  department of Bank of America. The credit specialist asked me to provide my Wochovia Bank statement in order to show that I am currently living in the address I provided. When I was in my lunch break, I thought I should use the Comcast bill instead of the bank statement because I do not want my private financial information goes to public. Then, I met a little problem while calling for that person. However, I finished the process in the afternoon.

By the way, I did not that the Copy Center has the fax machine until today.

Although I might have a creidt card now, the APR is too high, I think I should just use it for the grocery stores, not gas and telephone and something like that. The first step is always difficult, especially for the credit card.




Friday, May 18, 2007

Bought AAA Auto Service today

I chose the basic service, which is $60 per year. The website said that the service card will be mailed within 2 weeks, and I can use the printed card information before the actual card arrived.

Well, I always think that this service should be purchased by credit card, however, the debit card also works. I still think that I should have a credit card in order to have better service. Let  me try to apply the Orchard Bank.



时隔一年,再次拿起GMAT Official Guide


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Today's work and the living expenses issue

I was in Java City all day. Since it is summer break, the business was slow. However, this is not the issue that I am interested. What I care for is my wage.

Also, Clifford called me today for my schedule change. He told me that I can have more than 12 hours per week. It should be better without the consideration of the lunch expenses. I assume that the lunch in the Cafeteria will cost me $10 every time. However, I have an alternative choice: coming home and eat cheaper. Income and expense are the words that I used frequently these days. Since I am concerned about the savings I got every month, increasing income and reducing expenses are important issued to me. I think I can have more than $400 savings per month because I work 7 days a week, or 31 days a month according to the calendar. Well, living in America is not very easy, however, it is easy to keep yourself alive in America because the labor cost is very expensive and you can easily earn enough money to eat and sleep, neverthelss, that money is not enough for further liiving expenses.

Free writing is really a good feeling. I like the feeling.

I think I should write down lthe experience I got from the day I came to America because it is the milestone in my life and I will never exeprience such a great change in my life.



Sunday, May 13, 2007



Friday, May 11, 2007




Monday, May 07, 2007


       二手车就这样,总是修来修去,越修发现要修的东西越多。目前发现的有几个问题:刹车要换,输油管漏油。这两个是比较重要的,前一个关乎安全,后一个关乎省钱,其他的小问题就先不管了。还有一个CV Axel是修理厂检查出来的,不过,换不换得多比较一下才能知道,只听一家的结果是花冤枉钱。换刹车的费用不到200块。输油管是个影响长远的问题,鉴于我要开4年多(真到我有钱买新车为止),而它又漏1/5,所以,只要花费在200块以下,都是划算的。总之一句,旧车要修的东西很多,修车还是要货比三家。


Saturday, May 05, 2007



Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The last day of class in this session

I felt so excited to have the last day. From tonight on, I will be free for a couple of days. However, the exams are waiting for me. And I am still busy.