Saturday, September 29, 2007

Change Google Desktop Search (GDS) Index File

        在“HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Desktop”里有一个名为“data_dir”的键值,改为自设的键值就行了。

Bought cell batteries on

It surprised me that purchasing cell battery is so convenient online. On average, I paid around $1 for each cell battery, which is very important for me to use the electronic dictionary. So far as I know, this price is much cheaper than that in any other stores such as BrandsMart USA.

I was looking for cell batteries in Wal-Mart, K-Mart, and Sears prior to this purchase. Unfortuantely, none of them has the specific model I needed for the e-dic.

According to this purchase, I realized that purchasing online can provide great convenience in specific daily necessities. However, you have to purchase meet and egg by yourself in the grocery store. And I do not think eggs mailed via USPS are good.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

New Words 09/28/2007

Little Red Riding Hood 小红帽

homesickness  想家,恋家



         acquaintance  acquaintances
    1. An acquaintance is someone who you have met and know slightly, but not well.






Wednesday, September 26, 2007


合格境内机构投资者(Qualified Domestic Instiutional Investor, 简称QDII)

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


        昨天到沃尔玛去买了些香肠,今天做了个热狗吃了。可能吃得有点迟,觉得一个不够,连吃了两个,感觉到肚子很舒服。说实话,还是热饭吃起来舒服,我都想不能老美从小就吃冷的喝冷的肠胃就一直能适应?人的胃和肠不是都保持着腹腔的温度吗?那么冷的东西进去不会让肚子不舒服吗?很想不能的问题。我以前还问过我的一个同学他们是不是只喝冷水,他说,是的,cold only。你说那都是怎么个活法啊。


"7/6 c" on TV

This means 7 o'clock Eastern Time, and 6 o'clock Central Time, because central time is one hour later than eastern time.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

America's Favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Prep Time: 5 min
Total Time: 11 min
Makes: 1 serving

Ratings and Comments
You may also enjoy

America's Favorite Grilled Cheese Sandwich

2 slices white bread
2 KRAFT Singles
2 tsp. butter or margarine, softened

TOP 1 of the bread slices with Singles; cover with remaining bread slice.
SPREAD outside of sandwich with butter.
COOK in skillet on medium heat 3 min. on each side or until golden brown on both sides.

Grilled cheese sandwich

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hash Browns

Hashbrowns in patty form

<--- Collins Cobuild English Dictionary --->
hash browns
hash browns also hashed browns
Hash browns or hashed browns are potatoes that have been chopped into small pieces, formed into small cakes, and cooked on a grill or in a frying pan.
<--- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English --->
hash browns
n [plural] potatoes that are cut into very small pieces, pressed together, and cooked in oil//
<--- Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary --->
hash browns
[pl.] (AmE) a dish of chopped potatoes and onions, fried until they are brown
<--- 美国传统词典[双解] --->
hash browns
hash browns
Chopped cooked potatoes, fried until brown.Also called hash brown potatoes
土豆煎饼:把土豆切碎后煎至褐色为止也作 hash brown potatoes
<--- DrEye4in1词典 --->
hash browns
1. 马铃薯煎饼(用熟马铃薯丁拌碎洋葱油煎制成)

Mashed Potatoes

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Help sb. out

This is the phrase used by the my Money, Credit & Banking professor. He said, "come on, help me out". that is equal to "help me". The difference is the words used for the expression.

Contents of the talk this Saturday

Talked this noon, and got many points to be accomplished.

1. Ph.D is the ultimate goal. I have to get the Ph.D in any case. No matter the school is good or not, having a status is important. In addition, students can transfer among programs. Therefore, opportunities are always there. And keeping the Ph.D is the best way.

2. Another GMAT exam.

3. Finding a job is minor. Job is the secondary method to maintain the legal status in America.

4. Being a student is the most efficient way to keep the legal stauts. Remember, keeping the legal status in America is very important.

5. Establish the research capability as a volunteer in the projects. Ask to be a volunteer in any project provided by the professors. And I can list this experience in my resume while applying the Ph.D program.

6. Credit hours. Email JW for further transfer.

7. A conference call in mid-October, with my parents.

Friday, September 21, 2007




Powered by Zoundry

Thursday, September 20, 2007



Powered by Zoundry

The incredible tiredness

How tired we are? I am not sure. But I am pretty sure about the tireness of the whole class.

While the professor was telling the points covered in the first in-calss exam in the Money, Credit and Banking class, I was day-dreaming (in fact, it should be night-dreaming, since it was so late at night), and I missed the chance of recording important points covered in the in-calss exam. However, I am not worried because I copied that list from another classmate (an African American girl).

Although this sounds to be very tired, it is still not extreme. One girl in my class was "night-dr4eaming" and could not feel anything irregular even if someone moves hand in fron t of her eyes. Poor guys, they are really tired after the whole day working.

I am different from these guys. Although I do not have a full-time job, I am still very tired in the night, because the factor that cause you to feel tired is the intensive using of nerve system. People working in offices using their nerve systems in the office way, I use my nerve system in the home-studying way. None of us are easy to finish the process.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fund-raising 募捐

This is from New York Times website.

The campaigns of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Edwards traded pointed criticisms yesterday over Mrs. Clinton's use of a Washington luncheon for fund-raising.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007



Saturday, September 15, 2007

Places for purchasing cloth

  • Wal-Mart (not too many choices)
  • K-Mart   (not too many choices)
  • Sears
  • TJ Maxx


off-price (ôf'prīs', ŏf'-)

  1. Of, relating to, or being a retail store that sells merchandise at prices lower than usual.
  2. For sale at prices lower than usual: off-price assortments of women's clothing.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Attended the Job Fair on 9/11, Tuesday

This was my first time to attend a job fair in America. And I thought that is a useful experience to me. Since I need to find a job here, knowing the place and method to find a job is helpful.


As I thought this evening, what is the point of finding a job here? How certain I am to find a job using a Bachelor's degree? What is the strongest reason that an employer choose me rather than a MBA student (suppose all of us are graduated in the same time)?


Technically, this is the factor other than the level of knowledge. It should be comprehensive factors that cannot be measured through on-campus learning, such as social skills and self-confidence, positive attitude, the ability to work under pressure, time management, etc.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Different colors in Chinese and U.S. stock market

In China, red means happiness, and that is good for the stock market, therefore, red stands for stock rise, and green stands for stock fall.

Contrary to this, green stands for rise in U.S. stock market, and red stands for fall.

I think the difference in this point is based on the distinct culture background. Different culture generates different understanding and interpretation to the same natural things.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Interest things for today

The most different and special thing for today is that I sent one student to subway station. That should be interesting because I did not know where that station is, but still have to send her to that place. After asking for many people, I got the exact location. Then, I realized that the truth is always by your hand, if you want to go one step further, it will be in your hand.

Today is also a remarkable day because I got the last check from Computer Lab. The days later will be just cafeteria. Well, this is how life works.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007




跳转到: 导航, 搜索




[编辑] 食譜

1. 先把葱、馬蹄切碎備用

2. 把豬肉混入(1)中並加入醬油, 為增加肉團黏性,可加入雞蛋或粟粉。

3. 把混合好的肉糅成一手掌握大小的球狀

4. 以蛋或粟粉封住外層,以免水份及肉汁流失

5. 清蒸紅燒或燜燒

6. 準備紹菜或生菜墊底,上碟完成


Jules Verne 儒勒·凡尔纳

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Today's new words

Specific head    比热(容)

fanatic   n. 极端的狂热者,adj. 着魔的

tongs   钳子

Sunday, September 02, 2007

肿 swollen

<--- 美国传统词典[双解] --->
A past participle of swell
Expanded by or as if by internal pressure; distended:
a swollen toe.
Overblown; bombastic:
swollen rhetoric.


<--- 朗道英汉字典5.0 --->
a. 肿大的, 涨水的, 夸张的, 骄傲的
  be swollen with arrogance
  a swollen opinion of


<--- 21世纪英汉汉英双向词典 --->
[`swolәn; ˋswoulәn]
1 a. 膨胀的; 肿大的
a ~ river
a ~ ankle
b. [因…而]肿起的,肿大的[with](cf. swell v.t. 1 a)
Her eyes were ~ with weeping.
2 充满感情的
one's ~ heart
3 a. 自大的,得意的
(cf. swell v.t. 4)
He has a ~ opinion of himself.
他高估了自己 [狂妄自大]
b. [因…而]自负的,得意忘形的[with]
He is ~ with his own importance.