Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software. Show all posts

Thursday, December 18, 2008




今天我在看了几篇相关文章后,突然想到用cmd。打开进去后,用dir查到了相关文件夹(这时候DOS命令就用上了。当然了,一看到黑屏白字就感觉又回到1995年,当时我是正式开始学电脑和五笔了,虽说以前也接触过电脑......扯远了)。用del命令删除Downloads文件夹,在系统提示Are you sure之后,按y,回车执行。一切顺利。搞定。



Saturday, November 29, 2008



在默认网络连接方式下,开启Shared Folders并指定一个文件夹。我选的是SandBox文件夹,反正是经常要删一个文件夹。选择好后,开启虚拟机。在虚拟机内,从"我的电脑"选择"映射网络驱动器",在里面选"网上邻居",之后一步步选择到预设的SandBox文件夹。确定,大功靠成。

在这种情况下,宿主机和虚拟机可以共享指定文件夹里的文件。我从宿主机建立的文件在虚拟机里可以打开编辑,保存后,又可以从宿主机打开再编辑。同样的过程也适用于从虚拟机建立的文件。因为我的宿主机上装的是OpenOffice.org和金山WPS 2007,虚拟机里装的Micrsoft Office 2007,这才就可以有效利用所有的功能了。文档方面,可以说无所不能了。

Sunday, May 04, 2008






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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Change Firefox Cache Directory 更改Firefox缓存位置



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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Print Envelope in OpenOffice Writer 在OpenOffice Writer中打印信封 is a wonderful subsitute for MS Word. The following is a substitute for the envelope-printing function in MS Word.

  1. Start a new document in OOo Writer

  2. Select "Insert"

  3. Select "Envelope". In the dialogue window, there are three tabs: Envelope, Format, and Printer.

  4. In "Envelope" tab, enter the sender and addressee address info

  5. In "Format" tab, choose envelope size in "Size"---->"Format". The envelopes I bought are "Env. 10".

  6. In "Printer" tab, select the way the envelope will be inserted. I chose the far-right one. Since my printer requires envelopes to be inserted face down, I should choose "Print from bottom". The envelope icons in the top of this tab stand for the actual sizes of the envelope. Left side icons tend to be larger, and right side icons tend to be smaller.

  7. Insert the envelope in the printer.

  8. Print.

I am glad that I found the correct way to print envelope in OpenOffice Writer since I do not use Microsoft Word-no matter which edition it is. I was trying to live without Microsoft Office Suite. So far, the evidence showed that my idea is feasible. Although there were some minor inconveniences, it does not affect the functions too much. User habits can be changed.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How to get "Blue Background White Text" in Writer OOo如何实现蓝底白字

       在微软WORD及金山WPS中,这个功能都可以实现。但是,在 Writer中,我从06年就开始找但一直没找到实现方法。当然,原因在于我对OOo不熟悉。今天,在翻看以前在OOo论坛上发的帖子时,终于找了了实现的方法。

       Tool--->Options--->>Appearance--->Document background



Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to set Different on First Page Header in OpenOffice Writer?

This is usually for school paper requirement. Many school papers require no header on the first page, and there may be some requirements on a different style first page header, this needs the setting in Writer.


One article about this:

Create a header as your normally would; usually this is by clicking Insert -> Header -> Default and then Insert -> Fields -> Page Number. You should see your header on all pages of your document, including the first page.

Now, place the cursor within the first page of your document (ie- click within the first page of the document and then make sure you see a blinking cursor on the first page), and then select from the menu Format -> Styles and Formatting. Select the fourth icon at the top of the dialog box (if you hover over it, it says “Page Styles”). Now, double-click on “First Page”.

Once you double-click on “First Page”, the header on the first page will magically disappear, while keeping the header on each subsequent page intact.

For even more customizability, you can create an entirely different header for the first page instead of leaving it completely off.

To do this, again make sure your cursor is inside the first page of the document. Then click Insert -> Header -> First Page. Now, a header will appear on the first page of your document and you can place any text or fields (page number, etc.) within this first page-only header.

If you have any problems with this quick fix for headers in OpenOffice Writer, please leave a question in the comments section below and I will try my best to answer your query.

Also, look forward to more of these How To’s (for Open Office and other applications) in the near future.

Lastly, if you would like to try out OpenOffice, you can download it for free from the OpenOffice website or your can download a portable version here which you can unzip locally and delete after trying out this amazing piece of community-produced software.


Another article:

Sunday, December 23, 2007

How to handle encoding in Pidgin

Incorrect encoding upon receiving messages.

首选项-〉对话-〉收到的消息显示格式 去掉勾

Live Writer is still stupid in handling multiple accounts

I cannot add Live Space at all! What a stupic mistake the developers have done!

Monday, August 13, 2007

If you cannot delete a folder?

The answer is simple: use Nero or ACD See. Why the folder cannot be deleted? Because the file name is corrupt. Therefore, these programs are very useful in maintaining your computer.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Installed RealPlayer 11 Beta Today

The latest version is good in appearance because it is similar to the Windows Media Palyer 11, and the style is cool.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Windows Live Writer还是可以的

        这应该是Windows Live Writer的第二个测试版了,相比第一个版本要好一些。我本是想用ScribeFire的,但是那个好像是只为英文用户设计的(或许是我理解错误?),一用空格老是出来:nsbp什么的,很难看,所以,我才改试微软的这个。再得,我还是看了一些评论的,评论说这个版本的Writer有改进,我就专门来试了。你别说,我还真试出来一回事。用极点中文时(其他的中文输入法我从来不用,所以没法下结论),每次必须先输入标题,这才能在正文区域打字。如果没打标题就直接到正文区去激活极点中文,那是不行滴。我最初还以为是设置没改好,毕竟是测试版嘛,有些小错误是在所难免的。但是,试了几次后我就发现并不是bug的原因,输入文字位置的先后的确是导致这个现象的重要原因(我是这样想的)。得了,这也不是多大个事,先写标题就先写标题呗,反正每篇文章都是要一个标题的。

      再者,从Windows Live Writer上发出去的文章ScribeFire也能以历史文章的形式抓取过来。这是个好事。


PS: 刚才还试出了一个现象。在编辑过程中切换显示模式也会影响输入法,就会出现上面提到的问题。得,在标题栏激活一下就成了。等正式版发布的时候应该能修复这个问题吧。



Thursday, March 08, 2007

Tag for Calendar programs

This is my suggestion. I think having a "tag" is useful to track the process of a task. It is similar to the tag used in Blog service. When clicking on a single tag, all the posts marked in this tag will appear.

This is for both Task and Event.

I am trying to post this suggestion to Sunbird.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Why do everybody use MSN, even if it is not safe enough?

I think the major reason of keep using MSN as the primary Instant Messenger is to follow the segmentation of MSN. As well know, MSN is segmented for businessman, and it is designed to use in offices on working time. Therefore, it is a business IM, not a entertainment IM. According to hte population of the IMs, only the users of MSN seem like "professional" in business. This is a psychological feeling, I think. In fact, any IM program can take place of it. However, people just FOLLOW, in order to behave like others do. Remember the song "Like humans do"? That might be a good example of the attitude of choosing the "business" Instant Messenger.