Tuesday, February 26, 2008

How to get "Blue Background White Text" in OpenOffice.org Writer OOo如何实现蓝底白字

       在微软WORD及金山WPS中,这个功能都可以实现。但是,在OpenOffice.org Writer中,我从06年就开始找但一直没找到实现方法。当然,原因在于我对OOo不熟悉。今天,在翻看以前在OOo论坛上发的帖子时,终于找了了实现的方法。

       Tool--->Options--->OpenOffice.org--->Appearance--->Document background



Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How to set Different on First Page Header in OpenOffice Writer?

This is usually for school paper requirement. Many school papers require no header on the first page, and there may be some requirements on a different style first page header, this needs the setting in OpenOffice.org Writer.


One article about this:


Create a header as your normally would; usually this is by clicking Insert -> Header -> Default and then Insert -> Fields -> Page Number. You should see your header on all pages of your document, including the first page.

Now, place the cursor within the first page of your document (ie- click within the first page of the document and then make sure you see a blinking cursor on the first page), and then select from the menu Format -> Styles and Formatting. Select the fourth icon at the top of the dialog box (if you hover over it, it says “Page Styles”). Now, double-click on “First Page”.

Once you double-click on “First Page”, the header on the first page will magically disappear, while keeping the header on each subsequent page intact.

For even more customizability, you can create an entirely different header for the first page instead of leaving it completely off.

To do this, again make sure your cursor is inside the first page of the document. Then click Insert -> Header -> First Page. Now, a header will appear on the first page of your document and you can place any text or fields (page number, etc.) within this first page-only header.

If you have any problems with this quick fix for headers in OpenOffice Writer, please leave a question in the comments section below and I will try my best to answer your query.

Also, look forward to more of these How To’s (for Open Office and other applications) in the near future.

Lastly, if you would like to try out OpenOffice, you can download it for free from the OpenOffice website or your can download a portable version here which you can unzip locally and delete after trying out this amazing piece of community-produced software.


Another article:
